Home / News & Events / IGPP: The Second Annual Operating Theatres North Show 2024
IGPP: The Second Annual Operating Theatres North Show 2024

Patient backlogs persist as a significant challenge in the NHS, with over 7 million people on a hospital waiting list in England. Improving efficiency and theatre productivity to reduce elective long waits and backlogs has never been more critical.
Amid ongoing pay disputes and staff wellbeing concerns, leadership is a pivotal factor influencing staff efficiency and retention. Additionally, as the NHS journeys towards Net Zero by 2050, operating departments must scrutinise their energy efficiency and carbon emissions.
The Institute for Government & Public Policy’s Operating Theatres Show is gaining a reputation as an inspirational and empowering event offering solutions to the critical problems currently facing operating theatres and NHS staff.
Join us at the Second Annual Operating Theatres North Show to discover more about the future of operating theatres in the NHS. The event will explore the latest technology, efficiency improvements, and initiatives on how to work towards a greener future. You do not want to miss this opportunity to be a part of the transformation of operating theatres in the NHS.
Visit us to find out more about the following products and services;
- Our huge range of fully risk assessed reusable Surgical Instruments
- Our comprehensive instrument repair and restoration services
- Our recently refurbished rigid endoscope laboratory
- The highly-acclaimed Mitt-Mat®, the credible alternative to conventional Lead Hands
- Our comprehensive range of Electrosurgery products
- The Range of Bolton Holding and Positioning Systems