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Coronavirus Statement Updated 13th March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Revision 1 13-3-20

Dear Customer/Stakeholder,

As with all responsible organisations, we are committed to the health and safety of our staff, customers and key stakeholders.

Our number one priority is to do as much as we can to mitigate risks associated with Coronavirus.

Bolton Surgical is actively and continuously monitoring the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak as it develops, in line with local and national authorities and public health advice.

We are continually risk assessing all our business activities in line with the latest information available.

Here are a list of measures we have put in place to help mitigate risk;

  • Covid-19 Questionnaire has been in place since 3rd March for all visitors to our site. The questionnaire allows us to identify if any visitors have travelled outside the Country to any affected or restricted areas, it also asks if potential visitors have any of the symptoms associated with the virus.

  • We have changed from our usual soap to Anitbacterial soap and increased the amount of soap dispensers around the whole site.

  • We have in place large stocks of Antibacterial Hand Gel and placed dispensers throughout the whole site.

  • We have asked staff to only use their own cup/mug and to wash only their own cups/mugs and utensils.

  • We have removed all towels from the premises and prohibited use of hand dryers, we have disposable hand towels in place with appropriate bins in all areas where hand washing takes place.

  • We perform twice daily de-sanitisation of all handles, doors, and areas of hight useage such as kettles, tools, keyboards etc.

  • We have instructed all staff to de-santise their own workspaces each day 

  • Contractors are currently performing a ‘deep clean’ of the whole factory, office, warehouse and all other areas of our building.

  • We have an infra-red thermometer in place to check the temperature of all employees as they report for work each day, we are checking the temperature of any other essential visitors to our premises including delivery drivers.

  • We have ceased signing for deliveries on electronic devices to limit cross contamination.

  • We have communicated instructions to all staff via email, memo and through our Staff TV.

  • In preparedness for self-isolation we have purchased PPE including the approproiate filtered face masks for all employees who are not able to work from home due to the nature of their job.

Unless otherwise advised, our business operations will continue as normal.

We strongly urge our customers and stakeholders to refer to the guidelines and protocols as suggested by the World Health Organisation www.who.int and local /national public health authorities to contain and mitigate against any further spread of the virus.

We are monitoring the situation very closely and will follow up with customers as the situation develops. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully,

Lyndsey J Bolton