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Maintenance & Handling

The correct care and maintenance of your Bolton Surgical instruments is vital to ensure a long lasting instrument that maintains its effectiveness during use. We pride ourselves on our workmanship and attention to detail. Our instruments will provide years of service to you, the customer, if they are treated correctly.

We have listed below our basic guidelines for Care and Maintenance. For a more comprehensive guide please refer to the instructions for use supplied with all products.

  • All products are 100% checked for quality and functionality before despatch, nevertheless, new instruments should be carefully checked upon receipt. Actuate the instruments and visually check them before passing them for cleaning
  • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and sterilization solutions and washer/dryer equipment, following local protocols where necessary
  • Always handle instruments with great care. They are designed for a specific function (i.e clamping, cutting, retracting etc.) and each instrument is given an exact and precise final set after manufacturing to ensure maximum fitness for purpose
  • To minimise damage during processing, instruments should be laid gently into position, rough handling will result in damage
  • Treat delicate and micro instruments with special care, use a hand cleaning method if appropriate
  • Instruments should only be used for their intended purpose and by appropriately qualified clinicians
  • Always perform a detailed inspection of each instrument after use. Look for staining, freedom of movement on all moving parts, damage and corrosion. Any instrument failing this inspection should be removed from circulation and sent for repair
  • All joints should be rinsed and dried thoroughly after cleaning and an approved soluble lubricant applied
  • Soiling on used instruments should not be allowed to dry. Blood, saline and iodine are the most difficult to remove, if instruments are left in a dry prolonged state this could result in loss of passivation and rusting
  • Avoid wherever possible processing instruments made from dissimilar materials together, to reduce the risk of galvanic corrosion
  • Perform an immediate inspection after the initial cleaning process to identify and remove any residual particles
  • Instruments with box and screw joints should be cleaned in the open position. Where possible suspend bowed instruments on an instrument pin or similar device
  • Always ensure heavy equipment is placed at the bottom, beneath lighter, more delicate instruments
  • Do not use abrasive material for cleaning as this can damage the steel surface and encourage pitting and corrosion
  • Any instrument with a cannulated part should be thoroughly flushed out prior to the cleaning and sterilisation process

For care and maintenance of fibre-optic products please ask your sales consultant, agent or distributor for our care and data sheet for fibre-optic products.

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Scotland’s Medical Device Decontamination Seminar 2025


Scotland’s Medical Device Decontamination Seminar 2025

We are exhibiting at Future Surgery


We are exhibiting at Future Surgery